Monday, April 6, 2009

Buried alive...

*Paper for Honors class
*Homework for Calc IV (10 problems)
*Extra credit homework for Calc IV
*Homework for Stats
*Meeting for OUSCAMS
*More hand analysis for Meteorology
*Longer paper for Honors class

are the reasons why today's blog is so short. Sorry!

Sunday, April 5, 2009


Sleep. Homework. Have both. Only time for one...

I have to do a hand analysis for my meteorology class. No, this isn't palm reading, although it does involve lots of tiny lines. And predictions. Basically, you take a map with nothing but state outlines and surface weather observations. You connect points of equal temperature, dewpoint, and pressure -- essentially, playing connect the dots -- and then use that information to place fronts, drylines, troughs, and any other axes that you may see. It's incredibly useful, but also quite boring at times. Like right now. Which is why I'm blogging.

I really should go and work on it, though. It's very pretty. And very messy, too. It's hard connecting all those lines when the atmosphere doesn't seem to want to work on a system of connected lines...

Saturday, April 4, 2009

Epic fail is epic...

I completely failed to update yesterday. *tear* So that means you get an extra-long blog post today! I'll start of by talking about Friday's visit to the Medieval Faire.

I had an interesting time. I went down there with my friend Stevie, who's real into the SCA stuff -- like, she'd be a SCAdian if she had the time. So I got a lot of the historical accuracy information from her. We met up with (people I know, but are mainly irrelevant) Andrew, Phil, Heather, Lindsey, Autumn, and Colby. We all walked around the fair for a while. One of the highlights, at least in my opinion, whas catching the performance put on by Willie's Wenches. That and getting some of Clan McGilly's Sarsaparilly (homemade root beer). After the fair closed at 7, Autumn, Lindsey, Phil, and I went back to Autumn and Lindsey's dorm and played games. We played Apples to Apples and Moods, both great group games. Phil, who's in the Pride of Oklahoma, annoyed us all by playing "Boomer Sooner" continuously. Then, I went to bed... without posting. :(

Random thought: My blog posts look like Wikipedia pages with all the random links I put in them. Which leads to another random thought, a lá Bill Engvall: What would my Wikipedia page look like? I picture it going like this:

Travis Darling (born July 23, 1990) is a meteorology student at the College of Atmospheric and Geographic Sciences at the University of Oklahoma. He is a tour guide for the National Weather Center.

And so on, and so forth. There would be multiple links per sentence, though. Cause that's the way I write Wikipedia articles. What do you think about the prevalence of wikilinks in articles? Thoughts in comments...

Thursday, April 2, 2009

Upcoming events

Today, I'm going to share my Friday schedule with you, the reader. Why? Because I feel that it's important for you to know why, come Friday night, I'm hastily typing up a one-paragraph blog instead of thoughtfully opining about some topic or another. :) Also, it gives you more of a sense of what I'm going through as a college student and as a meteorologist. So here goes nothing.

Meteorology class, 9:00-9:50
Tour of the National Weather Center, 11:00-1:00
Medieval Faire, 2:30-7:00 (hopefully, I'll have something to talk about from that!)

Today, I want to talk for just a moment about energy conservation. Specifically, should I? Now, the obvious answer that comes to mind is "Of course you should, you nitwit!" But here's my scenario. I live in an on-campus apartment. All of my utilities (water, electric, internet, cable) are provided by the university for a yearly (or monthly, but I chose yearly) fee. Since this fee is static for the course of the year, does it really matter how much energy I use? I say yes, because if everyone cut back a little bit, the university could save money to spend elsewhere, such as classroom upgrades or increasing teachers' salaries. My roommate, Braden, says no. He thinks that since it's paid for, we can use as much as we want, since they're not going to raise our rates. I'd appreciate your thoughts.

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

The beginning of something beautiful

OK. I'm doing a blog for Maureen Johnson's BEDA, or Blog Every Day April.

I should probably tell you a bit about myself. My name is Travis. I'm an 18-year-old student at the University of Oklahoma. I study meteorology, and you can see my website here.

I'll be talking on here about weather, life at OU, and whatever else happens to strike my fancy. I look forward to reading more BEDA blogs as the month goes on. Good luck, all!